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Julie M Saint-Fleur, the Caribbean Queen of Storytelling


Updated: Jun 22, 2023

You read the name and instantly sandy beaches, blue waters and palm trees come to mind. Julie M. Saint-Fleur is a Haitian American from Florida who has had her fair share of obstacles laid out for her, but it hasn't halted her one bit. This authoress has released 5 highly rated books in multiple genres from urban-fiction, children and business. After reading her passionate yet detailed answers to our questions, we see why she can't just stay put in one single genre of writing. Julie fell in love with the art of storytelling at an early age as a little girl. From books, movies and even stories shared by family members of the life on the beautiful landscape of Haiti. Her imagination brought her to another world and that brought on a desire to share what she seen in her mind's eye. Julie started off like many of us literary creatives, just sharing short stories and poems but it wasn't enough for her. High School and College newsletters were the start to her writing venture, but this Caribbean Queen wanted more.

"This passion has guided me to pursue a career as an internationally acclaimed author, dedicated to crafting narratives that touch hearts, inspire minds, and foster connections among diverse readers." -- Julie Saint-Fleur

Julie's inspiration to create her elaborate storylines come from the imagination of her inner child. A childhood that mainly consisted of male counterparts that were having fun doing boyish things. So little Julie had to use her own imagination to create her own little world around her. An imagination that helped nurture the storyteller deep inside. But it wasn't just being able to wrangle a story together out of thin air but constructing something she could relate to. Something that resonated in her a familiarity or relationship of some sort. That sort of kindred like feeling was what made the author of "Jonesing" Sean Jones one of Julie's favorite authors. Sean Jones' writing skills laid out a world that Julie could relate to and in short, "feel some kind of way".

"Sean Jones' ability to craft characters and develop their voices in a way that aligns with my own writing style has deeply influenced my own creative journey, pushing me to further explore and refine my own unique voice in storytelling." -- Julie Saint-Fleur

That unique voice couldn't have been heard any better than with her first release in 2018. Like we stated earlier, Julie's creativity stemmed from her inner child. The first genre she explored as a literary creative was children's books and "Lilian is Alright" made her debut. A cute melanin-rich little girl with thick pigtails overcoming obstacles in her own little way.

"Great book. My daughter loved it. Can’t wait to order more."

The reviews just poured in about the little girl Lilian and the story she shared for kids her age. What many didn't know about Lilian's story was that Ms. Saint-Fleur was sharing her own story deep between the lines. The little angel in the book was a burn victim of an accident that occurred. Worried that everyone would look at her different because of her scars, Lilian feared the unknown. The story shared the obstacles Lilian faced and the triumph of it all. It was the connection Julie created through her inner child's imagination that she was able to build a bond that few would understand but the ones that can truly relate to it. That unique voice she so strives to design in every literary art she writes. Julie continued the saga of Lilian in two more books in 2019 and 2021.

After the wonderful outpour she received from her children's book the desire to venture out into another genre brought her to the widely growing urban fiction genre. Julie stormed the genre with her 200+ page urban-fiction novel "Common Waters" which was far from common and more of a suspense thriller drama.

"Common Waters is such an awesome book to have read. My biggest take away is the importance of being kind to all people no matter who, especially yourself."

The genre showed promise and Julie hasn't looked back. Creating short Kindle Vellas for her readers who love the fact she produces a world beyond their imagination that enthralls them into her creativity. Titles like "Kismet", "The Tenebris Sanguine" and "Apricots" all laid out a layer of enticing literature for her fans. Something Julie doesn't like to refer to her readers as. Having a "fan" plays out its course but having a loyal reader is making that connection between the two. Besides putting together multiple Vellas for her readers, Julie's WIP is a memoir. A celebration of her journey through storytelling in a "heartfelt tribute". This young woman leaves her 20's behind in January and what better way to do that in a literary creative's fashion than to write a memoir to celebrate. She hasn't had the opportunity to have a public book signing but this just may be the book to create that for her. Julie longs for the chance to meet, engage and commune with her readers just to be able to express her gratitude for all of their support. But until then, you can always follow her at the following links below for all her updates, upcoming works and possible "meet n greet"...

We here at The River's Edge Writers would like to thank you, our readers for joining us today. We also would like to send out a special thanks to the passionate writer Julie Saint-Fleur for allowing us the opportunity to share and showcase her amazing works with you. And as always, Salute. And if you know of a literary creative that we should showcase, let us know.

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